Ad {Nepal Constitution 2072 online. The new constitution of Nepal has been finalized and is available for public to view. New constitution of Nepal is shown below. You can download constitution of Nepal from Nepal. Constitution of Nepal 2072 over here. It is in Nepali and pdf format. You can use adobe reader to read it. Download Nepal Constitution 2072 (FINAL Constitution of Nepal 2072) Download Nepal Constitution 2015 Features of New constitution of Nepal 2072 (This features of New constitution of Nepal 2072 are of Draft of new constitution 2072) 8 states in Nepal (Name to be given later with the help of special committee) Discussion to continue on contentious issues and amend of some provision until the final one. Vote of dissents are not a part of the draft but put there for further discussion. Citizenship by Father name or mother name. citizenship to NRN (Non resident Nepalese). 60 percent FPTP and 40 PR in state assemblies as well. Secularism to...
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