Bollywood actress Shruti Hasan is in Stress in the recent days due to her pictures from a item song of her movie. The pictures are quite seducing and Shruti Hasan is in temper due to the pictures. The pictures were taken from the item song named "Pimple Dimple' of the Movie 'Yevadhu'. The pictures are going viral in the internet and media in the recent days. Though the pictures aren't much adult cleavage of Shruti Hasan can be clearly seen. Shruti is also going to court against the producer of the movie 'Yevadhu' due to thepictures. Some of the pictures those were taken during the shooting are already deleted by the producers. Shruti Hasan is blaming producers are spreading the private pictures with wrong intension for the promotion of movie. She is also claiming that some of the pictures are taken from wrong angle and they look more adult and they should be deleted immediately. But many analysts are claiming that this is just a publicity stunt going on in planned way.
Bollywood actress Shruti Hasan is in Stress in the recent days due to her pictures from a item song of her movie. The pictures are quite seducing and Shruti Hasan is in temper due to the pictures. The pictures were taken from the item song named "Pimple Dimple' of the Movie 'Yevadhu'. The pictures are going viral in the internet and media in the recent days. Though the pictures aren't much adult cleavage of Shruti Hasan can be clearly seen. Shruti is also going to court against the producer of the movie 'Yevadhu' due to thepictures. Some of the pictures those were taken during the shooting are already deleted by the producers. Shruti Hasan is blaming producers are spreading the private pictures with wrong intension for the promotion of movie. She is also claiming that some of the pictures are taken from wrong angle and they look more adult and they should be deleted immediately. But many analysts are claiming that this is just a publicity stunt going on in planned way.
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